digital marketing
By Carrie-ann | Jun 21, 2016 | Do It Yourself, Google news, How to get on the top of Google, Internet Marketing, SEO

8 Rules for Onsite SEO

8 Rules for Onsite SEO you can’t ignore!

It is impossible to ignore the fact that SEO has become a more varied and nuanced process in recent years, involving far more than just following a few simple steps to achieve your organic ranking goals.

Having said that, here are just eight of the rules which have the biggest influence on SEO today.

Satisfy Searchers with Onsite SEO

To optimise a page effectively you need to establish the underlying intent of a searcher. What are they actually looking for when they land on it? And this intent might actually come in multiple parts.
For example, in the short term a visitor might be looking to compare different types of Samsung smartphones. But ultimately their aim is to actually purchase a new handset, which means the site must be capable of meeting both of these expectations.

Go Faster

When it comes to onpage SEO, speed is one of the most technically challenging aspects to optimise, but also arguably the most important. Bounce rates will skyrocket if site performance is sluggish, especially on mobile devices. Every effort must be made to trim the fat and get pages loaded as quickly as possible.

Boost Engagement with Interface Improvements

From the scalability and user-friendliness of the interface to the branding you apply to it, onpage SEO must focus on accessibility and consistency in order to earn engagement and trust. From the images you pick to the colours you choose, every element will alter the visitor’s perception of your site.

Eliminate Obstacles

Everyone knows pop-ups and overlays are really annoying, but sites still persist in using them. It is important to balance the benefits of including ads or mailing list sign-up info on top of the content that visitors actually want to access.

Optimise Keyword

Keywords are a long-standing part of the SEO ecosystem and targeting them effectively is as important as ever. This not only applies to the body of the content on the page, including anchor links and other elements, but also to the title of the page. This really should match any headline included in the content. Also remember that keywords can also be added to the file name of any images you include.

Related Terms

While a single keyword may be the focus of your site, the nature of search engines is that they tend to look for the presence of associated, interconnected terms in order to determine whether pages fit the needs of those making queries. So while tightly honed keyword optimisation is important, you cannot afford to neglect the addition of a range of related terms that will signal the overall quality of your site to Google.

Champion the Snippet

Selling your site to searchers via the snippet is the best way to boost click-through rates once your site has achieved a respectable ranking. And this is not just about optimising the copy, but cleaning up the URL, including a publication date and tweaking the meta to make use of the available space.

Set Goals

The real key to search engine optimisation is looking at the competition and then aiming to outdo them in every way, creating content that blows theirs out of the water. This will ensure that other elements, such as uniqueness and relevance, come as part of the package in any case.
If you need some help with your onsite SEO pop me a message.