5 quick SEO tips
Getting SEO right takes time, yet there are a few simple measures you can take that aren’t time consuming but can boost the ranking of your website. Here are five quick SEO tips.
1. Optimise your title tag
Making sure your page or title tag is optimised can improve your SEO, but how do you do this?
– Include your keyphrase at the start of your title or before the sitename
– Put your title before your sitename
If you’re not sure which are the best keywords or phrases to focus on, research using Google’s Keyword Planner to identify gaps in the market. Avoid focusing on keyphrases that are over-used.
2. Make your site architecture flat
What does this mean? By creating a flat site architecture, this means you have organised your website to be as flat as possible, without burying any pages. The architecture of your site is simply how you organise the pages.
Key action point: To create a flat site architecture, your most important pages should never be more than three links away from your homepage. How do you achieve this?
– Include additional navigation
– Add extra internal links
3. Launch a blog
Did you know that content is one of the most important factors for improving SEO? Search engines love quality content, so if you haven’t yet got a blog, now is the time to get started. Similarly, if your blog has become stale, freshen it up and get back into the swing of adding content.
Important: Blogging doesn’t just boost your search rankings, but it gives you a way to connect with your audience. It lets you showcase your skills and expertise, and gives visitors a reason to keep coming back to your site. How to blog effectively for SEO:
– Provide relevant information
– Update your content regularly
– Showcase your skills or expertise
– Put a fresh spin on a current topic
– Repurpose blog content into a different format
4. Add visual media
Search engines rank those sites higher that make use of visual media, so add images or upload video content to your site.
Important things to remember: Only add quality images that add value to your content, and check that the images or video files aren’t too big so they slow down the page loading time. Did you know that slow load times can actually harm your SEO?
5. Know your audience
Do you actually know who your target audience is? Spend time researching your key customers to understand them better. When you know your target profile, you can then work out how best to serve their needs.
Remember – your audience profile may change as your business grows, so conduct research into your customers on a regular basis to reflect any different trends. How can you research your audience?
– Use analytics to see who is buying what
– Find out more about your audience on your social media pages
– Encourage interaction with your audience on your site