Implications of Google’s New AdWords Algorithm
The recent announcement of changes to Google’s Adwords Algorithm should, in my view, serve as a wake-up call. While this is, without question, the biggest change to Google’s ad rank algorithm, ever, my response is pretty much, what did you expect?
For years now I have been explaining to clients why they must diversify their online marketing. If your marketing continues to reflect the view Google is the only game in town it’s only going to end one way.
Google, for many, is virtually synonymous with the internet. It’s easy to forget it’s a business. While Google wants to improve the searchers experience it’s also continually exploring ways to make money. Put all your faith in Google and you’ll be a hostage to fortune. Google’s not going to make it easy for you to get traffic from the serps or Adwords.
Google Adwords has a role in many internet campaigns. Many sectors favour the first three positions. To get there, the old algorithm was CPC x Quality Score. But now ad extensions are factored into the mix. You may recall these had a major overhaul earlier in the year, and now we can see why.
This has a number of far reaching implications not least because it’s just one of the ways Google has been tinkering with the first page of serps. The organic results are gradually getting pushed down the page. Not only may an ad have up to 6 links in it, it’s also experimenting with banner advertising. One thing is certain. The first page of the serps is going to look different in the future.
All Adwords users need to get to grips with extensions. But the implications of this latest announcement are more far-reaching. In essence it demonstrates clearly why your marketing strategy must have firm foundations.
A risk assessment of just about any online business should include Google as a risk. Your marketing strategy should reflect this by ensuring there is sufficient diversification built into your marketing activity. If you are over-reliant on Google one way or another it could be time for a review of your internet marketing.