What do you want to achieve?
Every marketing campaign has different goals, and before you begin to design your campaign, you should decide what you want to achieve. Once you have your goals in place, mapping out the tactics you will utilise to deliver them is the best route to success. What’s more, it allows you to assess whether your campaign has been successful.
Clarify Objectives
Overall, the aim of marketing is to increase profits. However, first you need to take smaller steps to build up a robust plan. This means your individual campaign goals might be to increase your reach, improve advertising response rates, fine-tune your targeting or improve conversion rates from interested respondents. Knowing where you are currently in your marketing journey can help you see the next logical step and avoid the pitfalls of over-reaching before the groundwork is set.
Consider Methods
How you achieve these goals could be by sending out more emails, attracting more social media likes through improved posts or expanding awareness of the brand by connecting it to another campaign. It could also mean engineering better offers, carrying out more research or being more creative in advertising.
The Most Effective Ways to Achieve the Goal
When we talk about a campaign being effective, we usually mean it has achieved its desired goal. However, in the bigger picture, effectiveness is also tied to ROI both in terms of time and money. By mapping out the campaign goals, it is easier to see the how these activities add value and support the longer journey. Mapping can also highlight conflicts between past campaigns and future campaigns. There is no point generating more page likes if the audience you’re attracting isn’t your fine-tuned target audience. Every activity needs to support future campaigns to be effective.
Create Sustainable Campaigns
Many companies choose to incorporate a blog into their main site. Regular high-quality blog posts are a great way to build an audience and an authority status. However, parameters need to be set for a blogging campaign. How often will a blog be posted and for how long? The automatic answers are usually every day and indefinitely, but this is an unsustainable requirement unless the task is assigned to an individual. This could quickly turn into a costly ongoing task and over time quality could become an issue. It would be more realistic to decide on a two-week campaign in which the team designs all the posts before the campaign begins to attract the target audience and lead them into a call for action to create engagement. However, the question still needs to be asked: what is the goal of this campaign?